Fully automated accounting software Accounto

Substantial time and money savings every day
Easy-to-use software
Updated daily overview of your accounts

Partnered with AXA, Accounto is the only fully automated accounting software system for fiduciaries in Switzerland. It spares your fiduciary business time-consuming bookkeeping tasks because Accounto means you no longer have to enter or book bills and receipts manually. This gives you more time to dedicate your expertise and attention to what matters most: advising your clients.

Let Accounto take away some of the daily stress of your fiduciary company

  • Digital bill delivery with no additional effort
  • Real-time bookkeeping thanks to automated accounting
  • Early recognition and requesting of missing bills
  • Bill-oriented communication directly via the platform
  • Processing complete bookkeeping in just one tool, including year-end figures and budgets

What our customers are saying

  • Teaser Image
    Johannes Lermann, COO & Co-Founder, Boostbar AG

    “Thanks to Accounto and our trust company, we can fully concentrate on Boostbar.”

  • Teaser Image
    Athina Weber, Co-Founder, 12Ahead GmbH

    “As a digital full-service agency, a completely digital accounting solution was extremely important to us.”

All your bookkeeping functions combined into one system

 Accounto lets you:

  • Write and pay invoices
  • Manage and automatically book bills and receipts digitally
  • Automatically reconcile bank transactions
  • Do payroll and expense accounting
  • Manage HR database
  • Create financial reports
  • Set up and reconcile budgets
  • Manage tasks

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