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The pension solution Client Invest

Alternative to an in-house occupational benefits foundation
Ideal for medium-sized and large enterprises
High level of individuality, flexibility, and personal responsibility
Key points at a glance
  • You make the pension decisions: Client Invest is the pension solution where you decide on the investment strategy, interest rate, and performance targets yourself.
  • Strong partnership: With Client Invest you benefit from the flexibility and autonomy of a dedicated pension fund – combined with the advantages of affiliation to a collective foundation with AXA.
  • High level of individuality: Invest your pension capital individually and benefit from the resulting performance as well as from your own coverage ratio and operating account.

Alternatively, your questions can be answered quickly and easily by phone: You can arrange an appointment here

What is Client Invest?

Client Invest is a semi-autonomous pension solution for medium-sized and large enterprises that  want to combine the  advantages of affiliation with a collective foundation  and the independence offered by an in-house occupational benefits institution.

The  pension offering of the Columna Collective Foundation Client Invest is aimed at companies looking for considerable flexibility and independence in terms of their pension fund. The semi-autonomous solution allows your company to keep control of occupational benefits: You enjoy ideal conditions for an independent pension and investment concept and receive professional advice from AXA Asset Management, Credit Suisse, or an asset manager of your choice.

Conditions for enrollment in Client Invest

  • Your company requires minimum retirement assets of CHF 3 million.
  • You employ at least 30 insured members.
  • Your portfolio of insureds is structurally balanced.
  • Your occupational benefits fund is not underfunded.
  • You have sufficient financial resources for the formation of fluctuation reserves and provisions for financing conversion differences on retirement.
  • The minimum contract term is three years.

What benefits does Client Invest offer you?

With Client Invest you enjoy the autonomy of an in-house pension fund combined with the advantages of a collective foundation. Your company can thus benefit from the following advantages, among others:

  • Reduced administrative burden
    • Client Invest handles the full professional administration and management of your pension solution.
    • You receive support in preparing the annual financial statements and implementing the regulations decided by the Board of Trustees.
  • Attractive additional services

    With Client Invest you have access to AXA’s collective foundations set-up and can benefit from the following included services:

    • Pensions portal: The myAXA pensions portal gives insured members access to all their pension fund data at any time. It also allows them to calculate how much capital will be available to them in their retirement.
    • BVG-Services: With “BVG-Services”, you as an employer can access the forms, contract data, and insured member data for your occupational benefits solution at any time.
    • Swibeco: With Swibeco, your employees benefit from tax-free fringe benefits and attractive employee discounts.
    • WeCare: WeCare is the offer from AXA for better employee health. Your company will gain access to a broad range of health-related services and professional support in the areas of prevention and reintegration into the workplace. This enhances wellbeing at work and helps to avoid long-term absences.
  • Support from AXA Asset Management
    • AXA Asset Management will assist you with implementation via strategy funds or an individual investment strategy. 
    • You benefit from a best-in-class approach and high sustainability standards.
    • You receive unique market access to attractive asset classes. 
    • This guarantees you first-class value for money thanks to economies of scale. 
  • Delegating risk
    • Direct coverage of the biometric risks of death and disability by AXA Life Ltd on the basis of risk-based tariffs 
    • Professional support from Care Management

What are the advantages of Client Invest?

  • Cost-effective alternative to in-house foundation
  • Independent determination of the investment strategy for the pension assets by the occupational benefits fund commission 
  • Conversion rates determined by the occupational benefits fund commission 
  • Performance-oriented asset management by AXA Asset Management, Credit Suisse, or another licensed asset manager 
  • Opportunities for additional earnings and higher interest 
  • Dedicated annual financial statements pursuant to Swiss GAAP FER no. 26 
  • Coverage of the actuarial risks of disability and death 

Columna Collective Foundation Client Invest

The Columna Collective Foundation Client Invest was founded on March 20, 1984  in Winterthur. Its purpose is to manage the occupational old-age, survivors’, and disability benefits insurance of its affiliated companies throughout Switzerland. To this end, it provides mandatory occupational benefits insurance and offers pension plans exclusively comprising extra-mandatory benefits.

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