Feeling challenged? We can help SME insurance coverage

Safeguarding your financial security
Help in developing and protecting corporate structures
Offers for attracting and retaining skilled employees

As an SME, you are the driving force behind our economy. And you are firmly focused on growth and continued development – which brings with it a number of challenges. AXA is right here by your side: Our solutions and insurances help you and your company to succeed over the long run and reach the goals you set for yourself.

Do you have any questions? Just call us at: 052 269 21 60

Which coverages can help your SME meet the challenges it faces?

There are very few insurances that are mandatory for SMEs. And generally they are related to protecting your employees. The remaining coverages are voluntary, which means you can choose what you need. AXA’s extensive range lets you insure your company as it suits you best and gives you the benefit of a customized solution.

Can’t find a policy to fit your needs? Our Insurance Check is the fast and easy way to find out what insurance will work best for you.

On a growth trajectory: How you can meet the challenges facing your SME

As a growth-oriented entrepreneur, you know there are always challenges ahead. Financial fluctuations, complex corporate structures and the search for first-rate talent require extensive expertise and a carefully considered strategy. Our blog shares tips and insights to help you on your growth trajectory.

  • Teaser Image
    Avoid defaulting on payments

    Learn how to manage fluctuations by avoiding defaulting on payments and shoring up the liquidity in your SME.

    To the Blog
  • Teaser Image
    Digitalization: the most important dos and don’ts

    We give you tips to improve your digital structures to keep you competitive and successful over the long term.

    To the Blog
  • Teaser Image
    Hiring employees: the ultimate guide

    Is your business going well and your company growing? Then maybe it’s time for you to hire a new employee.

    To the Blog

More offers from AXA for your SME

As a small or mid-sized company, it’s often difficult to provide competitive conditions to attract employees. Our Corporate Health Management, tax-free fringe benefits and unique Pillar 2 pension offers are solutions designed specifically for SMEs. Invest in the health and satisfaction of your employees and retain talent at your company.

Support and FAQs

  • How can you find out which insurance coverages are worthwhile for your SME?

    A personal consultation or our insurance Check  will help you find the right insurance for your company. Or you can use our overview of all our insurances.

  • Which risks can SMEs insure themselves against?

    Whether you’re concerned about third-partly liability claims, cyber attacks or technical failures in your systems, most risks can be covered with an insurance policy. Here are some of the most common options:

    Commercial third-party liability insurance

    If you have people working for you, mistakes are going to happen. Whether from negligence or ignorance, as a result of material defects or production errors, people could be injured and property may be damaged. Commercial third-party liability insurance protects your company against the financial consequences of unintentional harm to third parties. 

    Property insurance

    Property insurance protects your company’s property, including movable property such as goods and machinery. It covers cleanup and disposal costs, emergency glazing, loss of income as well as business interruptions. Natural hazards such as severe weather, fire, water as well as burglaries are all generally covered. If your company owns its own building, you can also take out building insurance.

    Fleet Insurance 

    Fleet insurance offers comprehensive protection for your fleet by bundling all the coverage you need into a single policy. And you can also round out your coverage with our attractive fleet services. This saves not only on premiums, but also on administration. Fleet insurance makes sense for your company if you have five vehicles or more.

    Engineering insurance

    Even brief outages of technical systems, machinery and IT equipment can result in huge financial losses. Engineering insurance from AXA covers the cost of repairing or replacing damaged machinery and technical equipment. And you don’t have to worry about consequential expenses such as the cost of data recovery or the additional cost of keeping the business running.

    Commercial legal protection insurance

    Unexpected claims from your employees, problems with the landlord of your business premises or trouble because of licenses – legal cases such as these regularly come up in the course of ordinary business and often end up in court. Commercial legal protection helps you fight for your rights so you don’t have to worry about losing your business.

    Cyber insurance

    Every year, the number of cyber attacks increases in Switzerland. Cyber criminals are increasingly targeting Swiss SMEs. And they are poised to steal your money, data and business secrets. Cyber insurance protects your company against financial losses and legal damage as well as harm to your company’s image. How secure is your company's IT? Run the Cyber Check to find out.

    Professional liability insurance 

    Professional liability insurance is vital for all professional groups where even the smallest mistake could be devastating for your business or cause financial loss to third parties. Fiduciaries and advisory professionals in particular should take out insurance to protect themselves from financial loss.

    Accident insurance 

    Regardless of whether your company employs full-time or part-time staff, interns, apprentices or domestic staff to help out in your private home, accident insurance as set out under the Federal Act on Accident Insurance (UVG/AIA) is mandatory for all gainfully employed persons.

    Daily sickness benefits insurance

    Continuing to pay salaries for staff who are on sick leave or maternity leave can be a financial drain on a company. Daily sickness benefits insurance minimizes this risk for employers and provides security for employees if they do become seriously ill.

  • Which types of insurance are mandatory for your GmbH or AG?
    • Compulsory: Old-age and survivors’ insurance (AHV/OASI), disability insurance (IV/DI), unemployment insurance (ALV/UI), family allowances, loss of earnings benefits (EO/LEB), accident insurance (UVG/AI): Occupational accidents (BU/OA), motor vehicle liability (accidental damage is voluntary)
    • Mandatory – from 8 hours per week: Accident Insurance Act (AIA): Non-occupational accident (NOA):
    • Mandatory – starting from an annual salary of CHF 21,330: Occupational benefits insurance
    • Mandatory for certain industries and circumstances: Professional liability, building insurance
    • Voluntary: Daily sickness benefits (KTG/DSB), third-party liability insurance, premises liability insurance, movables insurance, engineering insurance, business interruption insurance, transportation insurance, erection insurance, legal protection insurance, directors and officers liability insurance 

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