For disputes over hidden defects Construction owner's legal protection insurance for companies

Support in the event of hidden construction errors or defects
Competent legal answers for your questions
Lawyers’ fees and legal costs paid
Key points at a glance
  • Insurance against construction defects: Did you discover hidden defects after moving into your new building that the builder is unwilling to correct? AXA-ARAG’s legal protection insurance for construction owners can help.
  • Legal protection during construction: Our legal experts support and represent you in disputes with engineers, architects or tradespersons.
  • Support for legal disputes: Construction owner’s legal protection insurance can also protect you against financial consequences if your case goes to court.

What is legal protection insurance for construction owners? 

With construction owner’s legal protection insurance from AXA-ARAG, you are best prepared for any disputes over hidden defects with building contractors, architects, site managers, construction engineers, suppliers of construction materials or tradespeople. Hidden defects are construction defects that are only discovered after acceptance or transfer of the building and were not apparent at any earlier stage, e.g. as a result of faulty planning or execution.

What is covered by legal protection insurance for construction owners from AXA-ARAG?

  • Advice in relation to hidden defects
  • Processing of legal cases
  • Legal representation by our own legal experts and specialists
  • Advice on choosing an independent attorney

Expenses paid by AXA-ARAG

  • Fees of referred lawyers
  • Court fees and costs of proceedings
  • Expert opinions to clarify disputed issues
  • Non-court costs awarded to the opposing party
  • Collection of compensation awarded

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