Tips and tricks for health cover Terminating & switching basic insurance

Easily compare basic insurance options at
Save CHF 515 per year on average
We terminate your current insurance and take care of the switch
Key points at a glance
  • Done in a few clicks: With the “Terminating and switching basic insurance” service, you choose your new basic insurance quickly and easily.
  • Worthwhile to compare premiums: While all basic insurance policies in Switzerland have the same benefits, their premiums differ.
  • We’ll take care of everything: We terminate your current insurance and take care of the switch.

Would you like to save on basic insurance?

With the switching service from AXA you can choose your new basic insurance with just a few clicks. We take care of terminating your existing cover and carrying out the switch for you. That way you’ll save an average of CHF 515 per year.

How can I terminate and switch my basic insurance?

Would you like to terminate your basic insurance and switch to a cheaper provider? The service we offer when you take out AXA supplementary insurance makes switching your basic insurance child’s play.

1. Compare premiums

All basic insurance in Switzerland offers the same benefits. So compare the premiums for the models that suit you.

2. Choose your new basic insurance

Choose the basic insurance that suits you best. Whether it’s the cheapest, the most customer-friendly, or the most local.

3. Leave the task of switching your basic insurance to us.

Yes, that’s right – you didn’t misread that. From this point on, you can just sit back and relax. We terminate and switch your basic insurance for you.

We compare basic insurance premiums for you, you make your choice and just sit back and relax.

We compare, you choose, we take care of the switch. Quickly, simply, and without any fuss.

FAQ on terminating and switching basic insurance

  • What is compulsory basic insurance?

    Health insurance is compulsory for persons residing in Switzerland. The scope of the benefits provided is regulated by law. Insured persons pay a monthly premium for basic health insurance that is calculated based on their age, the region in which they live, and their choice of insurance model.

  • What does basic health insurance cover?

    The benefits offered under compulsory health insurance are prescribed by law, which means they are the same no matter who you are insured with. The main differences relate to premiums and how long insurers take to reimburse you for your healthcare costs. 

    Health insurance providers also offer various models, which differ in their terms and conditions. Regularly keeping up to date on these points and looking into switching can help you save money each year.

    If you make use of AXA’s switching service, every year – starting from scratch – we will find the most cost-efficient basic health insurance offers that match your needs. And another good part? We handle termination of your current insurance for you and also take care of the switch.

  • What basic health insurance models are there?

    Standard model

    Under the standard model (also called the traditional model), you are free to choose any doctor you like, but you pay the highest premium. This model is offered with the same benefits under all compulsory basic health insurance policies.

    General practitioner model

    As the name suggests, under the general practitioner model you first have to contact your general practitioner. Exceptions to this rule are gynecological preventive examinations, eye doctor checkups, and emergencies.

    This is the model most frequently chosen by insured persons in Switzerland.

    HMO model

    An HMO practice consists of physicians, specialists, general practitioners, and therapists who provide medical treatment. Those insured under this model have to contact their HMO practice first, but benefit from lower premiums.

    Telmed model

    Under the Telmed model, your first point of contact is the telephone consultation hotline of your statutory health insurance provider. If necessary, they will refer you to a doctor’s office or a hospital. 

  • Can I terminate my basic insurance cover without already having a new one in place?

    As the name implies, compulsory health insurance is mandatory for everyone residing in Switzerland. So, if you decide to terminate your current health insurance, you must register with a new health insurance provider before the end of the year.

  • How can I switch my basic insurance?

    Compare the premiums of your current health insurance provider with those of the competitors. The simplest way to do this is via our comparison platform. Check alternative insurance models and the potential savings you could make with a higher “franchise”, or excess. This way you will find out which is the most affordable option for you. After that, you need to find out what period of notice you have to give, terminate your existing insurance, and register with the new provider.

    If you have supplementary health insurance with AXA, our switching service will help. Our comparison platform will help you find the basic health insurance product that is right for you. After that, we will take care of termination and switching for you.

  • When can I terminate my basic health insurance?

    You can terminate your basic insurance at the end of any calendar year, subject to one month’s prior notice. In some cases, it is possible to cancel at the end of June. 

    Switching is easy because the new health insurance provider cannot reject you based on your medical history. You should note, though, that in order to switch, you need to have paid all outstanding bills.

  • What excess – or “franchise” – should I choose?

    The ordinary excess defines how much of your healthcare costs you pay yourself. As an adult you have six options ranging from CHF 300 to CHF 2,500. The higher your excess, the lower your insurance premium and vice versa. A tip: Choose either the highest excess or the lowest. You can change your excess at the end of each year.

Contractual provisions

Would you like to have more information on our General Insurance Conditions and other provisions relating to the basic insurance switching service? Attached you will find a list of all the contractual provisions that apply.

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