Protection against Internet threats Cyber insurance Plus

You only choose and pay for what you need
Prevention services, including alerts
Combination of legal protection & insurance coverage
Key points at a glance
  • Protection against online risks: Cyber insurance protects you against online risks and covers you in the event of financial loss. For example, if your credit card or online account has been hacked or you are the victim of a fake shop.
  • Insurance coverage and protection services: We combine extensive legal protection and insurance coverage with innovative prevention services to offer an all-round package that is unique in Switzerland.
  • Flexible and can be individually combined: Our cyber insurance is a modular offer. You select and pay only for those modules you actually need.

Purchase advice: 052 244 86 00

How do I protect myself and my children against threats on the Internet?

Whether hackers have stolen your customer or account information, you’ve ordered goods from a fake online shop or your child has been the victim of cyberbullying, our experts are there for you. They’ll work out how to help you and your family browse, shop, and use social media safely. 

We all like to think that hacking, malware, and phishing won't affect us personally, but the truth is that burglaries are becoming less common as criminals increasingly turn to the internet. Around 30% of all crimes are now committed online, and over 70% of these are cases of fraud.

Make sure your and your loved ones are comprehensively protected against the financial risks attached to cyber crime with our personal cyber insurance.

Press “Play” on our personal Cyber insurance

More protection thanks to exclusive prevention services

Unique in Switzerland: Private cyber insurance from AXA not only insures you in the event of a claim, but also includes prevention and intervention services. 

The innovative prevention services identify online risks even earlier to give you better internet protection. For instance, you'll receive a push message telling you about a hacking attack or about an comment with offensive content, and you'll receive support in solving the problem.

You can activate the prevention services quickly and easily through the myAXA customer portal. 

The main benefits

  • 1

    Your credit card, hacked online accounts and telephone numbers are monitored

  • 2

    Warning messages about phishing emails

  • 3

    Identification of low security online shops

FAQ prevention services

  • What prevention services can be activated as part of Cyber insurance Plus?

    Prevention services cover the monitoring of leaked e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, credit cards and cyberbullying.

  • How do I activate the services?

    You can access via a link on myAXA and enter the details needed to use the services. Please consult the onboarding flyer for more information.

  • How do the prevention services help with credit card fraud?

    This is where monitoring is applied: prevention services check darknet databases and look for matches with the deposited credit card details in combination with the user's first and last names. Matches are displayed on the personal area of the prevention services and the client is advised by e-mail. 

  • Will I be warned about fake shops?

    Our monitoring service warns you about dubious sites when you're shopping online. If you activate and use the browser extension, it will flag up sites that have been identified as unsafe and advise you not to order anything from them.

  • Why do I have to activate the prevention services?

    The combination of our cyber insurance from insurance protection with prevention and intervention services makes our product unique on the Swiss market and offers you all-round protection against cyber crime.

    To benefit from the services, you just need to activate them once on myAXA. It's easy to do in just a few clicks.

    However, your claims are still covered even if you don't use the prevention services.

  • How do the services help with cyberbullying?

    The prevention services identify negative posts and hateful comments on social media, filter them out, and report them to you.

    On request, we can intervene, send the offending poster a warning, and delete what they have written. In the event of a lawsuit for defamation or violation of legal personality rights, AXA-ARAG internet legal protection covers your lawyer's fees and court costs.

  • How does monitoring work when multiple profiles and comments are involved?

    Technically speaking, monitoring works a lot like a search engine query. We combine your name and/or profile name with the keywords you specify, and you're informed with a push message as soon as a match is found containing any of the offensive terms stored in our database.

  • How many accounts will I get?

    Policyholders receive one account per contract. All insured persons named in the contract can use the prevention services. 

    We monitor the following for each insured person:

    • up to five e-mail addresses
    • up to four credit cards
    • up to five telephone numbers
    • one X account (formerly Twitter)
    • name searches in connection with hateful and offensive online comments
  • Are the alerts only sent by e-mail?

    Customers currently receive alerts by e-mail. At some point in the future, it will also be possible to receive them by text message or in WhatsApp.

  • Bullying doesn’t always happen on public sites, it can also take place on private platforms such as Snapchat or WhatsApp. These can’t be monitored, can they? What protection do you offer here?

    You’re correct in assuming that they can’t be monitored automatically, which is why we rely on your help here. As soon as you see anything negative on a “closed” social network like Snapchat or WhatsApp, you can inform us via the platform. All you need to do is upload a screenshot and tell us which platform or app it’s from and, if known, who wrote it.

  • How safe are the prevention services themselves?

    AXA standards were met and all safety precautions were taken and passed (e.g. a penetration test).

  • How does AXA handle data protection?

    All monitoring services are subject to the current data protection regulations, so you need have no concerns about the privacy of your data.

    Online shopping: No browsing data are stored. Whether you use the browser extension or enter a URL manually, each website address is immediately checked against the database and then discarded. It’s a simple matter of “yes” or “no”: if a URL is compromised when you type it in or click on a link, you see a warning, otherwise nothing happens.

    Cyberbullying: Only data that are in the public domain are searched. We can’t monitor environments that are off limits due to data protection regulations, nor do we want to. The searches carried out for each user are more or less like carrying out an automated search with a search engine such as Google, the difference being that we can pre-filter the results and determine whether they are potentially critical.

    Hacking: We only determine when data leaks have happened; we don’t view the content of hacked accounts. There are thus no data protection concerns here. We simply check whether the e-mail address appears in a database linked to the hacking of one or more platforms. The content of the platforms themselves and thus the individual user profiles are not accessed at any point.

    Phishing: The same logic applies here as with online shopping, i.e. no data are stored.

Modular all-round protection

Our insurance comprises four modules, each of which can be taken out on its own. Regardless of which module or modules you choose, the cyber  insurance for individuals offers all-round protection against online threats through a combination of AXA insurance coverage, AXA-ARAG internet legal protection, and the prevention services. 

Choose between the following modules: 

  • Online Accounts & Credit Cards: AXA Cyber insurance helps when your personal account, telephone numbers or credit card details are stolen or misused.
  • Cyberbullying & Copyrights: We’re here to help if your copyrights have been violated on the Internet or if you’re being cyberbullied.
  • Online Shopping: AXA personal Cyber insurance takes the worry out of online shopping by protecting you against financial losses caused by Internet fraudsters and dubious online shops.
  • Data Recovery, Virus Removal & IT Assistance: We offer professional assistance with data recovery, virus removal, technical faults, and other support issues relating to electronic devices like computers.

Attractive premium discount

Select several AXA Cyber insurance modules to benefit from an attractive premium discount.

Cases covered by Cyber insurance Plus

AXA Cyber insurance Plus can be tailored precisely to your needs – you only choose and pay for what you really need. Phishing, data recovery, cyberbullying: read about the types of case where we can help you.

Case studies: Online Accounts & Credit Cards

1. Hacker attack

Cybercriminals have hacked Oliver Meier’s credit card information and booked a vacation costing CHF 5,000.

  • AXA-ARAG takes action against them and asserts a claim to have Oliver’s e-banking account restored.
  • The AXA insurance covers the CHF 5,000 loss resulting from the card misuse (less a contractually agreed deductible of at least CHF 50).

2. Data theft

Five million customer accounts of an online retailer, including e-mail addresses, have been leaked. The hackers acted fast and have already used Carina Maurizio’s account to order goods.

  • We inform Carina that her e-mail address is among those that were leaked and advise her to change her password. It also helps her contact the online retailer and get the fraudulent orders canceled.
  • AXA-ARAG assists Carina in asserting her claims against the perpetrators and the online retalier.
  • AXA covers the remaining financial loss (less a contractually agreed deductible of at least CHF 50).

3. ID for sale on Darknet

Mark Bändli has sent several scanned copies of his ID card via e-mail over the past few years, for example when requesting an extract from the Criminal Register. Now his e-mail account has been hacked. Not long after it happened, his ID was offered for sale on the Darknet and used to carry out a transaction in Mark’s name, for which Mark is now liable.

  • We inform Mark that his e-mail account was hacked and advise him to change his password.
  • AXA-ARAG helps him assert his claims against the hacker.
  • AXA covers the cost of the transaction carried out in Mark’s name (less a contractually agreed deductible of at least CHF 50).

Case studies: Cyberbullying & Copyrights

1. Copyright violation

Peter and Tobias are photographed having fun and holding a beer at a festival. The picture is used without permission in connection with an article about binge drinking among young people on an online magazine. After colleagues tell Peter and Tobias about the article, the two men want their photo removed.

  • We ask the online magazin to delete it from the article, but it fails to do so.
  • Internet legal protection: AXA-ARAG takes legal action against the online magazine.

2. Cyberbullying

Anouk Berger, a student, is bullied on a social media platform because of her appearance. Several users post insulting personal comments under one of her pictures.

  • We inform Anouk about the bullies’ comments.
  • She decides to do something about them. We send a warning to the people who posted the insults and ask them to delete their comments.
  • This doesn’t happen, so AXA-ARAG initiates legal action against the cyberbullies and threatens to take them to court.
  • The privacy-infringing comments are having a negative impact on Anouk. We arrange an expert to give her initial psychological assistance over the phone.

Case studies: Online Shopping

1. Exchange refused

Anna Bertschinger orders a PlayStation 4 but receives a PlayStation 3. The online shop refuses to exchange it, insisting that it delivered the right console.

  • Anna starts by reporting the problem to us. We contact the shop on her behalf to try and solve the problem without resorting to legal action, but it doesn’t respond.
  • AXA-ARAG takes legal action against the shop to assert Anna’s claims, but it can no longer be found. Anna appears to have fallen victim to a fake shop.
  • AXA takes the wrong console off her hands and refunds the price she paid for it (less a contractually agreed deductible of at least CHF 50).

2. Monitoring

Cédric Müller is looking for a very specific pair of sneakers online.

  • The prevention services identify a particular website as unsafe.  We advide Cédric not to order anything from it.
  • Cédric leaves the site and orders his sneakers from one that’s identified as safe.

Case study: Data Recovery, Virus Removal & IT Assistance

Virus attack

Sabine Meier’s computer is corrupted by a virus that deletes her files and e-mail program.

AXA covers the cost of an expert who

  • removes the virus
  • recovers the data
  • reinstalls the e-mail program
  • helps Sabine back up her data

FAQ cyber insurance

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