The GUSTAVO cantons and your property

Insurance coverage for real estate – regardless of whether it is your home or your company’s head office – depends on the canton in which it is located. In most cantons, cantonal buildings insurance is responsible and cover is mandatory. However, in the GUSTAVO cantons, you have a free choice of where to take out insurance against fire and natural hazards. 

The GUSTAVO cantons and your insurance coverage

In Switzerland, property insurance cover for damage caused by fire or natural hazards (e.g. storms, flooding or hail) is compulsory – with a few exceptions.

In most cantons, you are required to insure your property with the cantonal buildings insurance authority (in German). The scope of benefits is mandatory and regulated by law. 

The GUSTAVO cantons

The position is different in the so-called GUSTAVO cantons. In these cantons, we provide your buildings with full insurance cover. This is because there is no cantonal buildings insurance and insurance coverage is only partially compulsory; in some cantons it is even completely voluntary. 

The GUSTAVO cantons: Geneva, Uri, Schwyz, Ticino, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Valais, Obwalden

There is no compulsory insurance in the cantons of Geneva, Valais, Ticino and Appenzell Innerrhoden. This means that unless you have voluntary insurance cover,  you will have to pay for the – often eye-watering – costs of damage caused by natural hazards yourself if disaster strikes. 

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    Storm damage – claims portal

    Here you will find helpful downloadable forms: for recording time spent on cleaning and disposal work and for listing your claims.

    Reporting claims and downloads

Is the compulsory insurance coverage sufficient?

Buildings damage caused by severe weather can be devastating and very complex in terms of insurance coverage. In the GUSTAVO cantons, which allow a free choice of insurance cover, you decide from the outset how much cover you wish to take out for fire and storm damage.

The position is different in cantons that require insurance to be taken out with the cantonal buildings insurance authority: Due to legal constraints, the compulsory insurance coverage is often not sufficient to cover all costs. For example, for technical systems in buildings or for water damage not caused by severe weather (e.g. a burst pipe in your own home). This means that cantonal buildings insurance can’t provide full financial protection in the event of a claim.

So if you’re not located in a GUSTAVO canton but you are in a known storm region, it’s worth taking out supplementary insurance  – to top up the benefits provided by your cantonal buildings insurance. 

Detailed information and offers for individuals / companies.

The key points in the event of a claim

Before and after a storm, the points to remember are:

  • Before: take as much as possible – first and foremost yourself – to a place of safety 
  • After: salvage what can still be salvaged and document all the damage (photos, list of damage, time spent clearing up)

Claims notification

If you are “only” insured with AXA, report the claim to us quickly and simply online. 

If you have compulsory insurance outside the GUSTAVO cantons, report the claim to the cantonal buildings insurance – even if you have taken out supplementary insurance with us. The first thing the cantonal buildings insurance will need to do is check your benefits and make its calculations. 

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