A woman meditates peacefully on a balcony, surrounded by many green plants in pots, enjoying the calm atmosphere.


Mental health self-test

Our mental health isn't always the same. Sometimes we feel good, sometimes not so good. How are you feeling right now? Are you showing signs of depression? Take our self-test to find out. We'll provide you with helpful recommendations based on your result.

  • Five simple questions and an instant result
  • Tips and advice based on your result
  • Free of charge and anonymous

Important note: This self-test is not intended to replace a diagnosis by a doctor or psychotherapist in any way. If you're experiencing a mental health emergency, consult a doctor immediately or call the support organization "Die Dargebotene Hand/La Main Tendue" on 143.

Just five questions: start the test now

The following statements relate to your mental state over the past two weeks. Please mark the response to each statement that best describes how you think you've been feeling during that time. The test is completely anonymous, so you can be honest without any concerns about your privacy. Find out more about how the self-test works.

How the self-test works

This test was developed by the Word Health Organization (WHO) and can give an initial indication that the person taking it might be depressed.

It isn't always easy to judge whether you're in good mental health, just feeling down or suffering from depression. The following complaints and symptoms are signs of mental distress and could point to depression: stress, trouble with sleep, feeling tired all the time, loss of appetite, bad moods, and negative thoughts. But just how bad is the problem? Is professional help urgently needed? It isn't always easy to say. However, the five questions in the test can serve as a guide.

Here's how the mental health self-test works: 

  1. Answer five questions: answer five short questions about your mental state. The test is anonymous.
  2. View your result: your result will appear as soon as you've answered the last question. 
  3. Recommendations and assistance: depending on your result, you'll then see recommendations and ways to get help in dealing with your current mental state. 

The result of this online test does not constitute a psychotherapy or other medical diagnosis. However, it does give an indication of the test subject's mental state and can identify signs of depression, the risk of burnout or other mental illnesses. If your test result suggests that you have a serious problem, we advise you to consult a doctor or psychologist for a professional diagnosis. Talk to someone you trust about how you feel and the symptoms you're experiencing. 

This mental health test was developed by the Word Health Organization (WHO). We refer to Bech P. Clinical Psychometrics. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell 2012. Topp C.W., Østergaard S.D., Søndergaard S., Bech P.  The WHO-5 Well-Being Index: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 2015;84(3):167-76.

Why mental health deserves so much attention

It isn't easy to tell when you're suffering from mental illness. Psychological problems can cause a wide range of physical symptoms and complaints, and many sufferers find it hard to describe how they feel. This makes identifying the problem and working out a clear diagnosis very challenging. On top of this, mental illness still carries a certain stigma. People are often reluctant to talk about it, even with their friends. What many people don't know, however, is that one in two people in Switzerland will suffer from some kind of serious mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, at least once in their life.

Talk openly about the subject

Furthermore, more than 20% of Switzerland's working population admit to feeling stressed at work. It isn't easy to find a healthy work/life balance, 

but you can prevent or treat sickness by actively addressing existing or potential problems. That's why it's important to speak openly about mental health. We want to offer sufferers, their families, and their employers information and useful services to help them deal with mental health issues. We also offer tips on avoiding depression.

This test is designed to give sufferers an initial indication of their current mental state. 

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