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Occupational benefits insurance Management pensions

Standard pension solutions are not always enough to cover the retirement needs of staff with high incomes. Their higher salaries mean that coverage gaps often arise. These can be avoided with AXA's supplementary solutions.

Solutions at a glance

Services for AXA occupational benefits customers

Your SME or startup can take advantage of a complete range of services covering administration of occupational benefits as well as employee health and attractive fringe benefits – allowing you to focus on your core business.
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    Swibeco lets you offer your staff tax-free fringe benefits and attractive discounts. This can help you recruit the best talents and keep them at your company longer.

    To Swibeco
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    Online OPA contract administration

    Our online OPA services make it easy to find all the information you need on occupational benefits and manage your pension fund. You can update details or call up information on your occupational benefits at any time.

    To online OPA contract administration
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    From preventive measures for better employee health to rapid assistance in an emergency: you can rest assured that the wellbeing of your staff is always in good hands with WeCare.

    To WeCare

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