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Returning employees to work successfully after burnout

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Burnout can turn life completely on its head and create huge challenges for everyone involved. But after a phase of recovery and self-reflection, employees will have to go back to work. This step demands courage, care and, above all, a good strategy.

Before an employee goes back to work they must take some time to build their energy back up. Reintegration is actually a key factor in managing the consequences of a burnout. It is also very helpful to know what causes burnout and to be able to identify potential triggers. This makes it possible to take preventive measures in order to avoid overloads in the future – and possibly a relapse.

Working with burnout – is it possible?

There is no single answer to this question. Basically, work is a vital mental protection mechanism because it provides a certain standard of living, social contact and a regular routine. It’s important to note that the ability to work with burnout varies from person to person. Early diagnosis, professional support and a careful approach are all crucial factors in assisting an employee in regaining their capacity to work over the long term. 

How do you reintegrate an employee after burnout? 

Before your employee returns to work, it’s very important that you talk openly with them. Discuss the steps planned together for your employee’s return to work. It’s a good idea to have the employee return to work on a gradual basis by reducing their working hours or starting off with flexible work hours. This allows them to ease back into work and minimizes any potential stress. It’s also important to keep an eye on the health and well-being of your employee when they return to work. Make sure you include regular breaks, set clear boundaries and promote a healthy work-life balance.

Returning to work is challenging both mentally and emotionally for those affected. During these phases, the support of colleagues, friends, family and a coach can be a great help. As their manager, you play a key role in helping your staff member find their feet again and in creating a positive work environment.

Our care and case management specialists assist those affected and companies throughout the entire recovery and reintegration process, enabling employees to successfully reintegrate into the company.

  • Teaser Image
    Reintegrating employees

    Rapid help is required for employees if there is a risk of any incapacity to work. Care and case management specialists provide support to both employees and companies.


What responsibilities do I have as an employer? 

As the employer, you have a great deal of responsibility when it comes to burnout in the workplace. You can significantly influence the health and motivation of your employees and in the process actively help prevent burnout. But how do you actually do this? 

  • Take the time to learn about burnout and its causes, symptoms and risk factors. Share what you learn with your team and organize training sessions in order to raise burnout awareness. 
  • Create optimum working conditions. Keep an eye on your employees’ stress levels at work and ensure that work is reasonably distributed. Set realistic goals and promote a healthy work-life balance. Be the boss who doesn’t just let their staff take breaks, but actively supports them to do so.
  • Encourage open communication. Create the kind of atmosphere in which your employees are not afraid of negative consequences if they talk to their managers about stress or bring up problems. Hold regular staff discussions to check up on employees’ well-being and offer support if needed. 
  • Be flexible and show understanding for the individual needs of your employees. Provide them with flexible work models such as a home office or flexible working hours so that they have more freedom to organize their work as they see fit. Giving them ways to better combine their work with their personal life will reduce stress.
  • If one of your employees still suffers from burnout, then do not hesitate to deal with it right away. Pay attention to possible signs and empower the person to take some time off for themselves so they can recover more quickly.
  • A structured reintegration plan is key to getting employees to return to work after their burnout. Take time to talk with them and discuss the best steps to take together with your employee. Corporate health management can help you plan a seamless transition.

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