
Working as a Fullstack Developer at AXA

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Solving complicated problems is his job: Gautham Huber feels at home in the agile DevOps team of AXA Switzerland. In the interview, the fullstack developer gives an insight into his day-to-day work.

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    Gautham Huber

    Gautham has worked as a fullstack developer in the Property & Casualty area of AXA Switzerland since 2019. Prior to this role, he worked at an agency. Now he is completing a job-concurrent MAS program in software engineering.

Gautham, why AXA?

After eight years in the service sector, I wanted to try out something new. AXA seemed very likeable during the application process and the technology stack was exactly what I had been looking for.

And now, four years later: Has it met your expectations?

I have actually never regretted my decision: I still really like my job. Since the company is very big and works with various applications, it is exciting to discover how they are connected. Every new project expands my horizon. We just recently finished the cloud and REACT migration and are still developing further with regard to technology. As a fullstack developer in the DevOps team, I also get an insight into many other subjects – for example, I have also learned a lot about insurance.

Personal development – an important keyword. How is this specifically put into practice in IT?

On the one hand, in traditional ways, such as courses on the online platform Udemy, for example. However, learning by doing is also important: A developer needs a good amount of curiosity and a lot of endurance. Sometimes, only tireless testing leads to success. Another very efficient learning method is pair programming. This is when someone who isn’t yet so familiar with a certain technology or software works together with an experienced colleague.

Is there also a designated study time within your working hours?

Yes, sometimes we take a bit of time to take a course. Or I talk with my colleagues about when the best time is to take time to study.

When are you particularly satisfied with your job?

I like varied challenges. It is a real success story every time I find a better solution to a problem than what I myself thought was possible. In the end, you can look back and be pleased with the success your work has yielded.

“We support each other and share our knowhow.”

Gautham Huber, Fullstack Developer at AXA

What makes your agile team stand apart?

We support each other. If a mistake has been made, my colleagues respond constructively and in a solution-oriented way. I also think it’s great that we all share our knowhow with each other.

What do you like about AXA Switzerland as an employer?

I enjoy a lot of freedom. I can decide for myself how to implement my tasks and achieve the goals set – in close collaboration with my colleagues, of course. Moreover, I am unconditionally supported in my personal and technical further development. And last but not least, the flexible working hours help me have a better work-life balance.

“At AXA, I enjoy a lot of freedom.”

Gautham Huber, Fullstack Developer at AXA

Flexibility and teamwork – aren’t those mutually exclusive?

Actually, at AXA they complement each other well. Some colleagues work mainly at the office, others usually from home. We all try to be in the office on our weekly team day. Since I am currently studying, I usually just go to the office on that day. Within the team, we also have a group chat for discussing organizational issues. That works best for us.

In terms of IT and technology, you have your finger on the pulse at AXA. How modern do you believe the company is?

I think AXA Switzerland is a very agile company. It constantly invests in technologies so that we can stay on the ball in every respect.


Fullstack developer: Universally educated software developer who manages the tasks of a frontend and backend developer. This allround developer has a variety of skills and often knows all of the customary programming languages.

Frontend: The visual user interface of a piece of software which enables interaction between users and use of the application.

Backend: Unseen processes in the background that enable the application to even function.

Technology stack (tech stack): List of all software tools and components that a company uses. This list includes all technologies that are used to create and implement software applications: Web frameworks, programming languages, servers, operating systems, databases, etc. Using the tech stack, IT professionals can quickly recognize how a company works and whether their own competencies and interests match the advertised job.

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