Our underlying principles on combating insurance fraud

Fraudulently claimed benefits cost Swiss insurers millions each year and impact the premiums paid by honest policyholders. AXA Switzerland lives up to its responsibilities in protecting its insured and is fully committed to taking broad-based action against insurance fraud.  

Surveillance in social insurance

Switzerland's parliament created the legal basis for surveillance and the Swiss electorate approved the law in November 2018. 

In the interests of all honest customers, where fraud is suspected AXA will investigate so as to protect the interests of all those who pay premiums. AXA uses surveillance as a last resort if there is a substantiated suspicion and all other appropriate methods employed have failed to clarify the situation. AXA adheres to the legal framework in so doing and follows strict principles.

Preventing insurance fraud

Insurance fraud in the areas of motor vehicle insurance, travel insurance, property insurance, and liability insurance is estimated to cost Swiss insurers hundreds of millions of Swiss francs each year. This is a colossal burden that has to borne in part by honest insurance customers through their premiums.

Car Claims Info

Insurance fraud is unfortunately fairly common in motor vehicle insurance. SVV Solutions AG operates the Car Claims Info data collection on behalf of all insurance companies. 

In a bid to combat insurance fraud, Car Claims Info contains data on vehicles that have been or are involved in a loss event. Comprehensive information on all claims that a vehicle has “experienced” is available for a period of ten years. If, in a newly filed loss event, there is reason to suspect that an unjustified claim is being submitted again for a loss that has already been paid out by another insurer, a more detailed check is carried out using Car Claims Info. This helps in the fight against insurance fraud and protects the interests of all honest premium payers.

Reporting and information system ("HIS") 

In the interests of its honest customers and to better protect itself against bogus insurance claims in the future, AXA joined forces with Switzerland's major P&C insurers to commission the development of a new reporting and information system, known as "HIS". 

Individuals who meet any of the ten conclusively defined reporting criteria will be entered into this system. These individuals will then be flagged as requiring closer scrutiny on any future claims (e.g., for breach of disclosure obligations, intentionally bringing about an insurance case, insurance fraud). This procedure plays a key role in identifying and preventing potential insurance fraud. 

Further information

Car Claims Info and HIS satisfy the requirements of the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and are entered in the Register for Data Files kept by the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC). Further information can be obtained directly from SVV Solutions AG (in German):

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