
Cantonal rankings: Ticino takes unwelcome top spot

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The latest statistics from AXA Switzerland have shed light on activity on Swiss roads. The results show that the most expensive car insured with AXA is based in Canton Vaud, while the people of Ticino appear to drive rather less safely than the rest of Switzerland – because in terms of insurance claims, they come in around 20 percent above the Swiss average.  

When it comes to driving behavior and choice of vehicle, there are a number of differences from canton to canton, as the latest figures from AXA reveal. Over the last five years, the people of Canton Uri have been the safest at the wheel. In this central Swiss canton, AXA recorded some 20 percent fewer insurance claims than the Swiss average. The roads of Canton Schaffhausen and Canton Lucerne are also relatively safe: In terms of claims for collision damage, they both come in some 10 percent below the Swiss average. 
By contrast, things appear to be rather scarier on the roads of Ticino: On average, Switzerland’s sunny southern canton records some 20 percent more accidents every year than the rest of Switzerland. Whereas there were only around 870 insurance claims submitted in Canton Uri over the last four years, the equivalent figure for Ticino was a hefty 16,900. “This higher accident frequency could be attributable to the fact that cantons such as Ticino have many narrow roads with poor visibility, which pose particular challenges to drivers,” points out AXA claims expert Fredy Egg. 

Source and infographics: AXA. The map shows the claims frequency of individual cantons, based on driver collision frequencies in all Swiss cantons over the period 2016 – 2020.

Zug and Zurich top for sustainability

According to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, there was a huge rise in the number of new registrations of vehicles with alternative drive systems last year. Pure electric vehicle registrations recorded a year-on-year rise of 49.8 percent in 2020, while the rise in hybrid registrations was as much as 225.7 percent. The figures from AXA show clearly that when it comes to sustainable mobility, Canton Zug and Canton Zurich are streets ahead. In both these cantons, almost one in every hundred vehicles insured with AXA is now electric. Canton Appenzell Innerhoden is close behind in third place. Bringing up the rear, with around 60 percent fewer electric vehicles than Zug and Zurich, is Canton Neuchâtel. 

Canton Vaud home to the most expensive vehicle

The people of Vaud evidently like their swanky sports cars, as the statistics show that this canton is home to the most expensive vehicles in Switzerland. For example, the most expensively insured car in AXA’s Swiss portfolio can be found here – valued at no less than 5.5 million francs. Vehicles tend to be cheaper in places like Ticino: In a cantonal comparison, Canton Ticino has the most cars on the road with a vehicle value of less than 11,000 francs.

  • In terms of claims for collision damage, Canton Uri comes in some 20 percent below the Swiss average.

    Image: Getty Images

  • Things are rather hairier on the roads of Ticino: In a national comparison, Ticino records some 20 percent more accidents than the rest of Switzerland.

    Image: Getty Images

  • The most expensively insured car in AXA’s Swiss portfolio can be found in Canton Vaud – valued at no less than 5.5 million francs.

    Image: Getty Images

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