About the Foundation "Rofenberg"

Reliable complete solution for your expats
Continuous occupational benefits coverage
Full risk coverage through AXA Life Ltd
Key points at a glance
  • Needs-driven occupational benefits solutions: Comprehensive or supplemental occupational benefits solutions that are geared to the needs of international companies and their employees.
  • Security without borders: Continuous occupational benefits coverage no matter which country you are currently working in.
  • Legal basis: Satisfies all the requirements of the Liechtenstein Pension Fund Act (PFG), which implements the European Pension Fund Directive 2003/41/EC.

What we offer

“Rofenberg” gives you and your internationally mobile employees occupational benefits coverage you can rely on – anytime, anywhere. The principle focus is on ongoing financial security in the event of death or disability and in retirement. And for good reason, because relocating from one country to another brings with it significant changes to personal, cultural and social circumstances. This makes it all the more important for employees to know that someone is looking out for them and their dependants.

Before an international assignment, it’s a good idea to check the labor and social insurance conditions, the entitlement to occupational benefits, as well as the contribution requirements that apply in the country you will be working in. 

Focus and benefits offered by “Rofenberg”

  • Needs-driven solution – as a complete plan or as a complement to options available locally
  • Full reinsurance for the risks of death, occupational disability and longevity
  • Efficient administration
  • Professional management of investments

About the Foundation

The purpose of the foundation is to provide occupational retirement, survivors' and disability pension benefits for the employees of the affiliated companies within the meaning of Art. 2 par. 1 of the Pension Fund Act of November 24, 2006 (PFG) to the exclusion of non-pension fund business. In particular, it administers occupational benefits for expatriates who are not subject to Liechtenstein’s old-age, survivors’ and disability insurance (AHV). The Foundation is subject to the oversight authority of the Financial Market Authority of Liechtenstein (FMA), Landstrasse 109, 9494 Vaduz.

Features and concept

Protection of risk benefits

  • All risks (disability, death and longevity) are fully reinsured with AXA Life Ltd

Execution of investment activities

  • Full reinsurance of the saving process with AXA Life Ltd with guaranteed interest
  • The Foundation cannot be underfunded

Administration and management

  • AXA Life Ltd

Name, registered office and entry in the commercial register of the Foundation

  • “Rofenberg” Employee Welfare Foundation, Principality of Liechtenstein
  • Registered office: Schaan, Liechtenstein
  • Address: Zollstrasse 20, 9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein; Tel. +423 237 76 80
  • Commercial register entry: registration number FL-0001.061.199-6

Founded by

  • AXA Life Ltd. / August 3, 1976

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the "Rofenberg" Employee Welfare Foundation is composed of the following members:

  • Dennis Waech (President)

    Dennis Waech (President)

    AXA Life Ltd, Winterthur

  • Bernd Wurster

    Bernd Wurster

    Hilcona AG, Schaan FL

  • Felix Tromp

    Felix Tromp

    AXA Life Ltd, Winterthur

Automatic exchange of information (AEOI)

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) agreed on this global standard in July 2014. On October 29, 2014, together with 50 other states and jurisdictions, Liechtenstein signed the multilateral agreement on the implementation of the global standard for the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI). The agreement establishes a multilateral framework for implementing the new standard bilaterally with interested and applicable states.

Under the AEOI, tax authorities in participating countries pass information on to the tax authorities of other countries concerning the earnings and assets held by taxpayers. The aim is to prevent cross-border tax evasion. Within Liechtenstein itself, the AEOI is implemented by means of the AEOI act, the AEOI ordinance and the AEOI information sheet from the tax administration. Information is collected on this basis and exchanged with the relevant partner states in the following year.

Frequently asked questions – AEOI

  • What information will be exchanged under the AEOI?

    Based on the OECD standard, insurers must provide the following information concerning taxpayers who hold assets (account or policy) in a different country from their tax domicile:

    • Name, address and date of birth
    • Tax residence/residences
    • Tax Identification Number(s) (TIN)
    • Account and policy number
    • Account balance or value
    • Surrender or taxable value for redeemable insurance and annuity insurance contracts and capital redemption transactions
    • Contract terminations
    • Interest / earnings
    • Benefits
  • Which persons are affected by the AEOI?

    Both natural persons and legal entities are affected by the AEOI if their tax resident status is not exclusively in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Financial institutions must therefore clarify the tax residence or residences of all of their customers.

    For certain legal entities, persons who hold a controlling stake are also affected by the AEOI and must therefore also have their tax residence status clarified.

    AXA Life Ltd intends to notify the affected customers within the Rofenberg Employee Welfare Foundation on an annual basis about the information sent.

  • What does "tax residence" mean?

    Tax residence is determined by the respective national legal system. The following criteria are applied to determine an employee’s country of tax residence and consequently where their global income will be taxed:

    1. In which country do they maintain their permanent residence?
    2. If their permanent residence is in two countries: Where is the focus of their life interests (closer personal and financial relationships)?
    3. If the country that is the focus of the person’s life interests cannot be determined, the country where they are usually resident applies.
    4. If the person is usually resident in both countries, they are deemed to be tax resident in the country of which they are a citizen.
    5. If the person is a citizen of both countries or a citizen of neither, the contracting states determine the matter by mutual agreement.

Always there for you

AXA International Business Competence Center
General-Guisan-Strasse 42, CH - 8400 Winterthur

Phone: +41 58 215 31 90
Email: international.business@axa.ch

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